American Chocolate Cake Mandarin Oriental Jakarta

American Chocolate Cake Mandarin Oriental Jakarta

Bahasa Mandarin oriental

Daftar Isi

1. Bahasa Mandarin oriental

Semoga jawabannya benar.

2. jelaskan keunikan dari lagu Mandarin (oriental)

Keunikan musik oriental adalah pada instrumen string nya ( gesek atau petik )
Mohon maaf apabila ada kesalahan

3. Which sentence is correct? * The chocolate cake is tastier than the cheese cake. The cheese cake is tasty than the pandan cake. The cheese cake is least tasty the chocolate cake. The chocolate cake is the tasty of all. tolong jawab

The chocolate cake is tastier that the cheesecake.

4. top - chips - the - on - of - cake - chocolate - sprinkle

Top - chips - the - on - of - cake - chocolate - sprinkle

Sprinkle chocolate chips on the top of cake.

Sprinkle chocolate chips on the top of cake

Tapi kurang tau juga sih ya,, maaf kalau salahh

5. Today I want to make a chocolate cake, last week I … a cheese cake


karena si tokoh 'aku' ini bercerita bahwa dia ingin membuat (make) sebuah kue coklat dan bahwa minggu lalu dia sudah membuat (made) sebuah kue keju.

semoga membantu !

6. this is (good) _____ chocolate cake i've ever had​


This is ( Good ) once Chocolate Cake i've Ever had


Semoga Benar Ya

This is BEST chocolate cake I’ve ever had.

Kenapa best? Karena ada “I’ve ever had” yang mana kalo di artikan -> ini adalah coklat yang paling terenak.

Semoga membantu.

7. How to make a chocolate cake

Chocolate Cake Recipe

If you want to make a homemade chocolate cake from scratch, this is a simple, yet easy recipe to make. It's one you are certain to enjoy.

Chocolate Cake Ingredients:

3/4 cups butter or margarine, softened

3 eggs

2 cups sugar

2 cups flour

3/4 cup unsweetened cocoa powder

1 teaspoon baking soda

3/4 teaspoon baking powder

2 teaspoon vanilla

1 1/2 cup milk

How to make Chocolate Cake:

Pre-heat oven to 350 degrees.

Grease and flour three 6" X 1 1/2" round cake pans.

Mix together flour, cocoa powder, baking powder and baking soda. Set aside.

In a large bowl, beat butter, eggs and vanilla.

Gradually add sugar.

Beat on medium to high speed for about 3-4 minutes until well mixed

Alternately combine in flour mixture and milk to batter while beating.

Continue to beat until batter is smooth.

Pour equal amounts of batter into greased and floured round cake pans.

Bake 30 to 35 minutes.

Check with a toothpick to se if it is done. Bake a few minutes more, if needed.

Remove from oven and allow cakes to cool in pans for a few minutes.

Place cakes on a wire rack, to them allow to completely cool.

8. she... the chocolate cake bake​


Soal : she... the chocolate cake bake

Jawab : she eat the chocolate cake bake


dia makan kue coklat dari panggangan


semoga membantu

9. Arti can you cook chocolate cake


bisakah kamu membuat kue coklat?


maaf kalo salah


apakah kamu sedang memasak kue coklat

10. Which sentece is correct? a. The chocolate cake is tastier than the cheese cake. b. The cheese cake is tasty than the pandan cake. c. The cheese cake is least tasty the chocolate cake. d. The chocolate cake is the tasty of all.

Jawabannya A , karena itu adalah comparative degree dgn rumus

Adjective+ er +than

Semoga membantu

11. Which sentence is correct?a.the cheese cake is least tasty than the pandan cake.b.the chocolate cake is tastier than the cheese cake.c.the cheese cake is tasty than the pandan cake.d.the chocolate cake is the tasty of all.tolong di jawab yg benar ya :)


Which sentence is correct?

a.the cheese cake is least tasty than the pandan cake.

b.the chocolate cake is tastier than the cheese cake.

c.the cheese cake is tasty than the pandan cake.

d.the chocolate cake is the tasty of all.


Comparative degree:

Comparative degree dibentuk dengan menambahkan akhiran "-er" dan bentuk yang benar ada pada poin B. di atas.

Contoh : Tony is younger than i am. (Tony lebih muda dariku)

Semoga membantu ya.


B. The chocolate cake is tastier than the cheese cake.


Dari pilihan, yg paling tepat adalah pilihan B. Dlm comparison, 'tasty' dijadikan 'tastier' atau 'tastiest' (tergantung dr berapa benda yg dibandingkan). Jadi, yg paling tepat adalah pilihan B.

12. Everyone in my house.......Aiman's marvellous chocolate cake.​

Everyone in my house loves Aiman's marvellous chocolate cake.

Semoga membantu, maaf jika tidak sesuai ekspetasi.




Pilih aja salah satu ya..

Semoga membantu...



online shop “baticrom”)

100 gr coklat batang (lelehkan)

40 gr butter (lelehkan)


Pertama, keluarkan cream cheese dari kulkas, diamkan pada suhu ruangan, agar cream cheese mudah diaduk.

Kemudian kita perlu menyiapkan loyangnya ya.. saya pakai loyang bulat ukuran diameter 15 cm, yang dilapisi dengan cooking sheet terlebih dagulu, agar Cheesecake mudah dikeluarkan dari loyang.

Hancurkan 9 keping oreo (saya pakai dengan cream’y) sampai lumayan halus, tambahkan butter yg sudah dilelehkan dan aduk rata.

Masukan campuran oreo dan butter di atas, ke dalam loyang, kemudian tekan-tekan dan ratakan di seluruh permukaan loyang. Dinginkan di dalam kulkas.

Kocok whipping cream hingga kaku, lalu masukan cream cheese yg sudah dibiarkan di dalam suhu ruangan. Aduk rata, kemudian masukan yoghurt, gula pasir, perasan lemon dan gelatin bubuk yg sudah dilarutkan ke dalam air panas, aduk rata kembali.

Jika sudah tercampur rata, bagi adonan menjadi 2 bagian. Satu bagian diberi lelehan coklat, aduk rata kembali.

Keluarkan loyang yg tadi sudah didinginkan di dalam kulkas. Masukan satu bagian adonan yg berwarna putih. Masukan ke dalam kulkas dan biarkan selelama minimal 1 jam.

Setelah 1 jam (atau lebih) masukan satu bagian lainnya yg sudah diberi coklat.

Dinginkan di dalam kulkas minimal 4 jam sampai satu malam (saya satu malam) hinga mengeras.

Jika sudah mengeras, keluarkan dari loyang, dan hias sesuai selera


jadikan jawaban tercerdas ya

14. How to make a chocolate cake

1. Pre-heat oven to 350 degrees.

2. Grease and flour three 6" X 1 1/2" round cake pans.

3. Mix together flour, cocoa powder, baking powder and baking soda. Set aside.

4. In a large bowl, beat butter, eggs and vanilla.

5. Gradually add sugar.

6. Beat on medium to high speed for about 3-4 minutes until well mixed

7. Alternately combine in flour mixture and milk to batter while beating.

8. Continue to beat until batter is smooth.

9. Pour equal amounts of batter into greased and floured round cake pans.

10. Bake 30 to 35 minutes.

11. Check with a toothpick to se if it is done. Bake a few minutes more, if needed.

12. Remove from oven and allow cakes to cool in pans for a few minutes.

13. Place cakes on a wire rack, to them allow to completely cool.

15. Susunan kalimat:Made- cake- Chocolate- Mom- a- yesterday


Mom made a cake chocolate yesterday.

maaf klo slh^,^

16. both the cakes are tasty. the chocolate cake is....delicious.....the strowberry cake​


more - than..........


the chocolate is more delicious than strawberry cake

17. Siti and khadijah ..... me chocolate cake for my birthday


Siti and khadijah give me chocolate cake for my birthday

Present simple (S + V1)

Siti and khadijah give me chocolate cake for my birthday.

semoga membantu: )

18. adding cinnamon to this chocolate cake makes it _____tasty​

more tasty. makasi ya

19. bahan bahan membuat chocolate bundt cake

240 g butter, suhu ruang (me: anchor)

285 g gula pasir

4 btr telur

280 g terigu protein sedang / rendah (me: kunci biru)

100 g cokelat bubuk

1 sdt baking soda

1 sdt garam

120 ml sour cream (me: pake greek yogurt)

120 ml susu cair

Vanilla bubuk

Chocolate Ganache :

300 g DCC cincang

150 ml heavy cream / whipping cream

20. I was making the chocolate cake last hour


so give the cake to me cuz im hungry (◍•ᴗ•◍)

21. we'll have ....... the cheese cake ..... the chocolate cake (including) ​


we'll have ....... the cheese cake ..... the chocolate cake (including)

22. ענג CHOCOLATE Ĵ Ĵ Ĵ of cake of chocolate of sugarcepetan besok dikumpul​


ini translate ya kak



23. she..... me chocolate cake for my birthday party​


she join me chocolate cake for my birthday party


make (membuat)

maaf kalo salah...

24. which sentence is correct?a. the chocolate cake is tastier than the cheese cake.b. the cheese cake is tasty than the pandan cake.c. the cheese cake is least tasty the chocolate cake.d. the chocolate cake is the tasty of all.jawabnya singkat aja y mis : a, b ,c,d​

Jawab singkat A.

= the chocolate cake is tastier than the cheese cake.

(kue coklat lebih enak daripada kue keju.)

Alasannya karena ada kata than maka Jawaban yg dipilih adalah Tastier (lebih enak)


Materi: Bahasa Inggris

Materi: Comparative Degree

25. cerita Delicious Chocolate Cake dalam bahasa Inggris​


There are some Delicious Chocolate Cake on the table.

26. 1.she is the chocolate cake​


Dia adalah kue cokelat


semoga membantu

Soal :

1.she is the chocolate cake.


1.she is the chocolate cake = dia perempuan adalah kue coklat

Semoga membantu

27. Which sentence is correct?A.The cheese cake is least tasty than the pandan cake.B.The chocolate cake is tastier than the cheese cakeC.The cheese cake is tasty than the pandan cake.D.The chocolate cake is the tasty of all.TOLONG DI JWB YG BENAR YA;)

b. the chocolate cake is tastier than the chesee cake


= the chocolate cake is tastier than the cheese cake.

(kue coklat lebih enak daripada kue keju.)

Alasannya karena ada kata than maka Jawaban yg dipilih adalah Tastier (lebih enak)

28. Which sentence is correct? 5 points The rainbow cake is least tasty the chocolate cake The rainbow cake is tasty of all cakes The rainbow cake is the most delicious than chocolate cake The rainbow cake is more delicious than chocolate cake


The rainbow cake is more delicious than chocolate cake

sebenarnya kalimatnya salah. seharusnya "The rainbow cake is more delicious than the chocolate cake"

29. She-didn't- a chocolate cake-make- this morning.


She didn't make a chocolate cake this morning.


(Dia tidak membuat kue coklat tadi pagi)

Ini adalah bentuk simple past tense

Dalam kalimat negatif (dan interogatif) kalimat simple past tense, verb kalimat akan kembali ke verb-1. Ini karena adanya penambahan auxiliary did di kalimat negatif maupun interogatif.

Karena did ini adalah bentuk past dari do/does, berarti dia sudah mengalami perubahan. Jadi verb utama di dalam kalimat itu tidak lagi berubah jadi verb-2 (seperti dalam kalimat positive).

subjek + didn't + verb 1 + objek/keterangan dsb

Semoga bermanfaat.

30. Made- cake - chocolate - mom - a - yesterday.susunan kalimat


mom made a cake yesterday


topic:arranging simple past sentence

perhatikan time signal yesterday(time signal past tense)Kita tahu bahwa kalimat tsb dalam bentuk simple past

structure simple past:


Mom made a chocolate cake yesterday

Ibu membuat kue cokkat kemarin

Rumus simple past


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