Consolation Artinya

Consolation Artinya

buatlah 3 contoh greeting card consolation(hiburan)!!!

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1. buatlah 3 contoh greeting card consolation(hiburan)!!!

from: lina
congratulations on your new home I hope you feel at home there and make unforgettable memories in your new house

2. tuliskan 3 contoh consolation card beserta terjemahannya!tolong Jawab dong.. :)

1. I do sympathize (Aku turut bersimpati)

Contoh kalimat = I do sympathize for your younger brother. I hope his broken arm will recover soon (Aku turut bersimpati untuk adik laki-laki mu. Semoga lengannya yang patah bisa segera pulih)

2. I sympathize about the situation that happened (Aku turut bersimpati atas situasi yang terjadi)

Contoh kalimat = I sympathize about the situation that happened. I hope his condition will get well soon (Aku turut bersimpati atas situasi yang terjadi. Aku berharap semoga kondisinya segera membaik) (Baca juga: Conjunction Adverb

3. What a terrible situation for you (Betapa situasi yang sulit untukmu)

Contoh kalimat = What a terrible situation for you. You have to study harder, so you won’t fail on the next test (Betapa situasi yang sulit untukmu. Kamu harus belajar lebih keras lagu, agar kamu tidak gagal di ujian yang berikutnya)

Semoga membantu :v

3. tolong definisiin situasi di greeting card ya 1. consolation 2. happiness 3. condolance 4. sympathy makasihh


4. Good news! i participated in an online compitition recently and i just won a consolation prizes of Rm1000. I' over the moon! however i'm not sure what i should i do with the money. Do you have any suggestion? let me know what you think​


You can save your money for savings.


Kamu bisa menyimpan uang mu untuk tabungan.

5. kitcThe greeting card is for questions 15 to 174. IncDear Teacher,your enthusiasm &refusal to give up on me is changingme and making me abetter person. Don't Stop!15. The sentence "your enthusiasm and refusal togive up on me is changing me and making me abetter person”a. endearmentc. special quoteb. prayerd. ritual16. the greeting card expressesa. happinessc. sympathyb. condolenced. consolation17. the endearment is shown by sentencea. clear teacherc. loved. studentb. don't stop​


15.c special quote


17.b don't stop

6. As she had slowly moved up the aisle toward the altar he had felt an unworthy, sullen exultation that had served to support him. He had told himself that her paleness was from thoughts of another than the man to whom she was about to give herself. But even that poor consolation had been wrenched from him. For, when he saw that swift, limpid, upward look that she gave the man when he took her hand, he knew himself to be forgotten. Once that same look had been raised to him, and he had gauged its meaning. Indeed, his conceit had crumbled; its last prop was gone. Why had it ended thus? There had been no quarrel between them, nothing– Artikan kedalam bahasa Indonesia !

Ketika dia telah perlahan-lahan bergerak menyusuri lorong ke altar ia merasa tidak layak, cemberut kemegahan yang telah bertugas untuk mendukungnya. Dia telah mengatakan sendiri bahwa dia pucat dari pikiran lain daripada orang kepada siapa iaadalah memberikan dirinya. Tetapi bahkan penghiburan bahwa miskin telah merenggut darinya. Ketika ia melihat bahwa swift, jernih, ke atas terlihat bahwa dia memberikan pria ketika ia mengambil tangannya, dia tahu dirinya untuk dilupakan. Setelah itu terlihat sama dibesarkan kepadanya, dan dia telah diukur maknanya. Memang, kesombongan nya telah runtuh; prop yang terakhir sudah pergi. Mengapa itu berakhirdengan demikian? Telah ada perselisihan antara mereka, tidak ada–

Untuk membuat waktu ia remarshalled dalam pikirannya peristiwa yang terakhir beberapa hari sebelum gelombang telah begitu tiba-tiba berubah.

7. 14. The greeting card above is to showa.. happynessb. condolencesympathyd. consolation terjehmakan​




semoga bermanfaat ya ???

8. NoAvailable?ExpressionsYesHappy Father's DayHappiness/CondolenceSympathy/ConsolationPrayer Wish2NoHappy Father's DayThanks for beingthere through thetears, laughter, andlove.3Special QuotesYesRitualNo5EndearmentNo6ReceiverNoSenderNo​

Mohon maaf ini diapain yah?!






Selamat Hari Ayah





Doa Doa



Selamat Hari Ayah

Terima kasih telah hadir

di sana melalui

air mata, tawa, dan



Kutipan Khusus





Rasa sayang







9. Expressions Available? NO Happy Father's Day Yes Parts Happiness Condolence Sympathy Consolation Prayer/Wish No 2 Happy Father's Day Thanks for being there through the tears, laughter, and love. Yes 3 Special Quotes 4 Ritual No 5 Endearment No Receiver No 6 7 No Sender​


Ekspresi Tersedia? NO Selamat Hari Ayah Ya Bagian Kebahagiaan Belasungkawa Simpati Penghiburan Doa/Harapan No 2 Selamat Hari Ayah Terima kasih telah ada melalui air mata, tawa, dan cinta. Ya 3

★ini translate nya ya dik★


semoga bermanfaat

10. LKPD 14serta didik :Kelas : VIII ....rtu ucapannya (Greeting Card) di halaman 68 kemudian lanjutkan tabel analisisini (halaman 72)ExpressionsHappiness/CondolenceSympathyConsolationPrayer WishHappy Father's DayHappy Father's DayThanks for beingthere through thetears, laughter, andlove.YesSpecial QuotesRitualEndearmentReceiverSenderNO​


Expressions: Ekspresi

Happiness: Kebabagiaan

Condolence: Belasungkawa

Sympathy: Simpati

Consolation: Penghiburan

Prayer Wish: Ucapan doa

Happy Father's Day: Hari ayah

Thanks for being: Terima kasih telah

there through the: Disitu, Disini

tears, laughter, and: Tangisan, tawa, dan

love: Cinta

Yes: Iya

Special Quotes: Kutipan spesial

Ritual: Ritual

Endearment: Sayang

Receiver: Penerima

Sender: Pengirim

Maaf jika kutang tepat.

11. Text 3 Task 2 Fill in the table based on the information of the texts on Task 1! No. Parts Text 1 Text 2 The expression of happiness/ condolence/sympathy/consolation 2. Prayer/wish 3. Special quotes 4. Ritual 5. Endearment 6. Receiver 7. Senderbantu y​


mohon di jawab kak pertanyaan ini

12. NOHappy Father's DayYes1PartsHappinessCondolence/Sympathy/ConsolationPrayer/WishNo2Happy Father's DaThanks for beingthere through thetears, laughter, arlove.Yes3Special QuotesNoRitualNo5EndearmentNo6Receiver7SenderNo1721 RELAS VII SMP/MTS​


TIDAK Selamat Hari Ayah Iya 1 Bagian Kebahagiaan Belasungkawa/ Simpati/ Penghiburan Doa / Keinginan Tidak 2 Selamat Ayah Da Terima kasih telah hadir di sana melalui air mata, tawa, ar cinta. Iya 3 Kutipan Khusus Tidak Upacara Tidak 5 Rasa sayang Tidak 6 Penerima 7 Pengirim


Maaf aklo salah

13. BAHASA INGGRISteks/greeting card Happy mother's day!dear mom,i wish your saya be blessed with smiles, love, and happinesslove you so muchyour soncarilah bagian 1. happiness/condolence/sympathy/consolation (kebahagiaan/belasungkawa/simpati/penghiburan)2. prayer/wish (harapan/doa)3. spesial quotes (kutipan khusus)4. ritual(upacara)5. endearment (kasih sayang)dan berikan lah bukti kalimat dari teks/greeting di atas! jika tidak terdapat salah satu dari kelima bagian tersebut maka tidak usah di isi!tolong bantu jawab kak terimakasih ​


1. Happy Mothers Day

2. I wish your saya be blessed with smiles, love, and happiness



5. Love you so much

semoga membantu


1.Happiness.Bukti ="Happy mother's day".

2.Wish.Bukti =" wish your saya be blessed with smiles, love, and happiness".

3.Tdk ada.

4.Tdk ada.

5.Endearment.Bukti ="love you so much"



Jadikan yg terbaik

14. Kicir-Kicir is a traditional song of Betawi people from Jakarta.The lyrics of the song actually consists of poems that have rhymesat the end of each sentence (similar to limericks). Each of thesepoems contains advice or consolation with a sense of humor, avery typical character of Betawi people.artiin donk​


Kicir-Kicir adalah lagu tradisional orang Betawi dari Jakarta.

Lirik lagu itu sebenarnya terdiri dari puisi yang memiliki sajak

di akhir setiap kalimat (mirip dengan limericks). Masing-masing

puisi berisi nasihat atau hiburan dengan rasa humor, a

karakter orang Betawi yang sangat khas.

15. 1. What is the purpose of giving the greeting card? 2. Who gives/ sends the greeting card? 3. Who receives the greeting card? 4. On what occasion can we give the greeting card? 5. What expression is used in the greeting card to state the special day? What does it try to express? (Happiness/ sympathy/ consolation/ condolence?) 6. Is there any special quote in the greeting card? If yes, what is it? 7. Is there any wish/ prayer that the sender writes for the receiver? If yes, what is it? 8. What do you feel if you are the one who receive the greeting card?

1. happy new year

2. Almira

3. Ira and Ari

4. New Year

5. Happiness

6. may the new year bring many new opputunities!

7. a year full of fun adventures and blessing

8. happy

16. tobeiHappy Mother's DayDoor MomIwon your days be blessedwith Smiles Love.and happinessLove you so muchYour SoonF PressionsAudible ?NOPartsHappiness/CondolenceSympathy/consolationProyer / wishSpecialQuotes5EndearmentRAQIVE​

Im Sorry, Please Put The Correct Essay.

Im sorry.

17. 1.Happiness/Condolence/Sympathy/Consolation???2.Prayer/Wish???3. Special Quotes???4.Ritual???5.Endearment???6.Receiver???7.Sender???​

Teks nomor 1 tergolong adalah teks yang menyampaikan ucapan dukacita, atau dalam bahasa Inggrisnya adalah condolences.

Receiver : yourself

Sender : your best friend

Sedangkan teks nomor 2 tergolong teks yang menyampaikan penghiburan kepada seseorang, dalam bahasa Inggrisnya biasa disebut consolation.

Receiver : Anas

Sender : Anis

18. ExpressionsAvailable?NoPartsHappy Father's DayYes1Happiness/Condolence/Sympathy/ConsolationHappy Father's DayNo2Prayer/WishThanks for beingthere through thetears, laughter, andlove.Yes3Special Quotes41Ritual:Endearment긍 긍 긍 긍ReceiverSenderNo​





Sorry if i wrong





semoga membantu

20. 13. ook at the greeting card. Identify the information and put them into the table.lyBuku Bahasa Inggris SMP/Mts Kelas VII When English Rings a Bell", 2017NoAvailable?1Expressions23PartsHappiness/Condolence/Sympathy/ConsolationPrayer/WishSpecial QuotesEndearmentReceiverSender456N​


Ga paham. Karena soalnya kurang jelas.


Kalo bisa, mending dilampirkan foto saja pertanyaannya. Thanks;)

21. Place identify the greeting cards on page 71 to this tabel do it on your book then post it her Parts : happiness/codolence/sympathy consolation Avaible: yes Expressions : happy father

your books and the heart of Borneo Indonesia

22. Happy Father's DayYesPartsHappiness/CondolenceSympathyConsolationPrayer/WishNoHappy Father's DayThanks for beingthere through thetears, laughter, andlove.3Special QuotesYes45RitualEndearmentReceiverSenderSenderNoNoNoNo-6-71. bahasa indonesianya​



23. tentukan:1. Happiness/condolence/sympathy/consolation:2. Prayer/wish3. Special Quotes4. Ritual5. Endearment6. Receiver7. Sendertolong cepat di jawab​



1. Kebahagiaan/belasungkawa/simpati/penghiburan:

2. Doa/harapan

3. Kutipan Khusus

4. Upacara

5. Sayang

6. Penerima

7. Pengirim

24. Tes TertulisRead the text and choose the right answer!Text for number 1 to 6Text A Text B1. Compare the function of the two text above! What is the similarities?A. Both texts function to congratulate someone on winning sport competition.B. Both texts function to congratulate someone on winning art competition.C. Both texts function to congratulate someone on winning sinnging contest.D. Both texts function to congratulate someone on winning something.2. Who won the competition in text A?A. Roni. B.Kiki. C. Roni’s friend. D. Roni’s sister.3. What is the synonym of the word wish in text A?A. dream. B.hope. C. remember. D. imagine.4. From the two text, we know that…A. The receivers got the first place. C. The senders got the first place.B. The receivers are the runner-up. D. The senders are the runner-up.5. What does the word you in the two text refer to?A. The receiver. C. The writer.B. The sender. D. The reader.6. Which part is the prayer in text A?A. Love you so much C. I knew youwould make itB. I am so proud of you D. I wish you thebest always.Text for number 7 to 107. What is the function of the text?A. To show sympathy. C. To showhappiness.B. To show suggestion. D. To showconsolation.8. What does the word gathering means?A. Together forever. C. Gettogether.B. Went together. D. Cometogether.9. What will uncle Ipan likely doafter reading the card?A. They will hold a family gatheringannually.B. They will hold a family gatheringevery month.C. They will go to the family gatheringevery year.D. They will go to the family gatheringevery month.10. From the text, we know that…A. Shilmi doesn’t welcome Uncle Ipan and Aunty Rike.B. Shilmi’s family has a family gathering every month.C. Uncle Ipan and Aunty Rike do not married.D. Shilmi is Uncle Ipan and Aunty Rike’s sister.Text for number 11 and 12Choose the appropriate words to complete the card!11. A. CanB. MayC. WillD. Might12. A. boringB. terribleC. wonderfulD. terrifying​


halo kak, teks nya belom ada diupload.

25. Soal Evaluasi Choose the correct anwer by crossing a, b, c or d!The text is for number 1 to 5Dear Dori,Congratulation on your success on the college entrance exam. May today success be just the beginning of your long life achievement and happiness. Remember the challenge is waiting for you in the college. Nevertheless, I believe that you can handle it well. Good luck!Your best friend, Aldi1. The purpose of the text above is... a. To persuade someone b. To entertain someone c. To congratulate someone d. To invite someone2. Who is the sender of the card? a. Dori b. Aldi c. Dori and Aldi d. Best friend3. Who is the receiver of the card? a. Dori b. Aldi c. Dori and Aldi d. Best friend4. What is the expression used in the card? a. Consolation b. Sympathy c. Wish d. Hope5. What has Dori done? a. Won the contest b. Passed the college entrance exam c. Invited Fina to his celebration day d. Graduated from UniversityThe text is for number 6 to 10Dear Ross,I am sorry to hear of the loss of your beloved grandfather. My thounghts and prayers are with you and your family.Love, Joey6. What is the purpose of the card? a. To congratulate someone b. To make Wish someone c. To show sympathy/condolence d. To say sorry of the loss of someone7. what is the expression used in the card? a. consolation b. Sympathy c. Wish d. Hope8. To whom the card is sent? The card is for... a. Ross b. Joey c. Family d. Grandfather9. Who is the sender of the card? The sender of the card is... a. Ross b. Joey c. Family d. Grandfather10. From the card we know that... a. Joey sent the card to show his condolence to Ross b. Ross sent the card to show his condolence. c. Joey is the receiver of the card. d. Ross is the sender of the card.The text is for number 11 to 15To Anisa,Happy Eid Mubarak. May Allah bring you joy and harmony in every way of life. Love, Icha11. What is the purpose of the card? The text is to congratulate... a. Someone on her religious day b. Someone on her birthday c. Someone on her holyday d. Someone on her achievement12. What is the expression used in the card? a. Consolation b. Sympathy c. Wish d. Hope13. To whom the card is sent? The card is for... a. Icha b. Anisa c. Ied Mubarok d. Harmony14. Who is the sender of the card? The sender of the card is... a. Icha b. Anisa c. Ied Mubarok d. Harmony15. From the card we know that... a. Icha sent the card to congratulate Anisa on her religious day. b. Anisa sent the card. c. Icha is the receiver. d. Anisa is the sender.TOLONG DI JAWAB YA, TERIMAKASIH.​


sampe nomor 5 aja yak hehe




4.bisa c bisa d, tapi yang paling tepat sih D.Hope



C. To congratulate someoneB. AldiA. DoriD. HopeB. Passed the college entrance examC. To show sympathy/condolenceB. SympathyA. RossB. JoeyA. Joey sent the card to show his condolence to RossA. Someone on her religious dayC. WishB. AnisaA. IchaA. Icha sent the card to congratulate Anisa on her religious day

26. 1.Happiness/condolence/sympathy/consolation 2.prayer/wish 3.special Qoutes 4.Ritual 5.endearment 6.receiver 7.sender Dari kartu ucapan 10 halaman 71


Kartu ucapan halaman 71 kelas VIII adalah menganalisis informasi yang terdapat pada kartu ucapan.

Kartu ucapan 10:

To Anas,

I heard you lost a tooth.

Don't worry, you'll get

the new one soon.

Your sister,


1. Happiness/condolence/sympathy/consolation : YA

2. prayer/wish : NO

3. special Qoutes : NO

4. Ritual : NO

5. Endearment : NO

6. Receiver : YES

7. Sender: YES


1. Happiness/condolence/sympathy/consolation : Don't worry, you'll get the new one soon.

2. prayer/wish : NO

3. special Qoutes : NO

4. Ritual : NO

5. Endearment : NO

6. Receiver : ANIS

7. Sender: ANAS

Pelajari lebih lanjut congratulations card pada


27. tolong buat kan dialog bahasa inggris asking about someone's problem ang giving words of consolation dengan tema broken heard

A : you look so sad. Whats the matter with you?
B : she refuses my love. I dont know how to do.
A : dont give up! I trust you can.

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